WanderCurtis Wine

Wine tastings, corporate events, reviews and recommendations

Kiran Curtis

kiran-curtisMy day job is running the architectural practice I set up more than 15 years ago, and there are only a couple of things in life that I am more passionate about: my family of course, and fine wine.

As a child there was always wine around, but it wasn’t my father’s damson home brew wine that inspired my love of wine. That responsibility lies with my Austrian brother-in-law Franz. We have made many trips to Austria over the years, which always featured a visit to a wine maker or two, not to mention the wonderful wines that Franz has shared with us from his own cellar.

The obsession really took hold when my wife Birgit and I took Michael Schuster’s advanced fine wine course. In the basement of his house, we tasted an amazing range of fully mature French wines. Since then I’ve attended every tasting I can and visit wine regions and wine makers whenever possible. There is always something new to discover and learn.  WanderCurtis is about sharing these experiences and not having to apologise for being a complete wine nerd!